Workforce development is critical to achieving economic security

Helping workers acquire the skills and credentials they need to launce successful, family-sustaining careers, and helping businesses attract, retain, and advance the skilled workforce they need to remain globally competitive.

Along with education and strengthening the safety net, workforce development is one of the Community Foundation’s three strategic investment priorities. Our investments in these three areas work together towards one overarching goal – achieving economic security for all residents of the greater Washington region. 

Our region’s economy increasingly demands high levels of skills and knowledge from its workers Thousands in our region are unemployed, under-employed, or stuck in low-wage employment, lacking the necessary tools to find and keep a job that can lead to economic security. Employers value credentials, so we are working to link adult education and training to the on-the-ground needs of employers.

Our workforce development investments have helped thousands of workers across the greater Washington region earn credentials and launch family-sustaining careers.